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IT Infrastructure Solutions

Creating value through mastering technology

Setting up the technical infrastructure of a company can be one of the toughest challenges for entrepreneurs starting their journey in the industry.


It can also be one of the most expensive.


Choosing the wrong technology stack across your company can handicap you. It can also put you out of business. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this happen.


Figuring out your technology set up is where we come in.


In the early stages of an initial start-up, regulatory bodies may require a list of technical documents to ensure that the new company has the right systems and processes in place. These documents relate to the systems architecture, network diagrams, data backup procedures, financial accounting policies, fraud management policies, and other areas of the business.


We have experience successfully helping clients with all of the above.

How else can we assist?

Our service offering extends to a wide range of important IT solutions including:


  • Cloud Infrastructure Solutions

  • System Administration

  • Disaster Recovery and Backup

  • Compliant Hosting Solutions

  • IT Equipment Leasing

  • Managed Storage Solutions

  • General Technical Advisory


If you need infrastructure and technology on which to host bespoke applications, rest assured that we can help you.

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